Cost of Some Major Procedures

Note: Costing shown above may vary among hospitals. We can tailor the cost as per your budget and requirement.

Common Queries

A psychiatrist treats various psychological problems like anxiety disorders, depression, phobias, panic disorders, anger issues, alcohol and tobacco dependence, academic issues and various other issues. In fact majority of the problems treated by psychiatrists the patient is in complete control of himself/herself and are holding successful and responsible jobs. The common stereotypical psychiatry patient depicted in movies and in the media form only a very minute percentage of patients seen by psychiatrists. You can consult a psychiatrist for even minor issues which might be troubling you and get suitable advice.

Psychiatrist is the only mental health professionals who can prescribe medications for psychological problems. Not all medications given are life long, in fact majority of the patient treated for psychiatry problems get off their medications in due course of time or are off medications when they are fine. Some patients may have to take medications for considerable period of time and even lifelong but they form a smaller portion of the patients seen by psychiatrists.

Remember that many physical illnesses too need medication for lifelong like diabetes, hypertension.

All medications given in allopathic medicine have side effects it is similar with psychiatry medication. Psychiatry medication does have side effects but you need not get them. Most of the side effects are minor and will go with time, some medications have more serious side effects like drop in the white cell count ( aganulocytosis), seizures, tardive dyskinesia etc. Your doctor will monitor for the side effects carefully when you are on such medications and will give you solutions if you suffer from the side effects.

The newer psychiatry medication have a very different side effect profile than the older ones and considered to be more safer than the older group. The trick is to give the right medication to the right patient.

Remember ask for the side effect profile of the medications being given by doctors and make an informed choice.

There are many kinds of therapies like brief dynamic therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, marital therapy etc. All therapies are good when used by trained therapists.

Remember for therapies to work the patient must be willing to work through the process and follow the instructions given by the therapist.

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