Common Queries

Most of them, yes. We need to understand why the hormone level is high or low by different tests mainly blood tests. In most the cases treatment is much simple than it is thought.
The word CURE can be used in not many cases in medical science, so we prefer the word CARE.

This depends on the exact diagnosis. If this is due to deficiency of a hormone and we are replacing the deficient hormone then in most of the cases the answer is yes.
The classic example is Primary hypothyroidism where the thyroid gland fails to secrete thyroid hormone we need to replace the thyroid hormone.
This is like natural therapy, body is deficient and we are giving it from outside.

Family history of thyroid is the main risk factor. If you have a family history and you have symptoms suggestive of under- or overactive thyroid, it is worth seeing your doctor for a physical examination and blood test.
Remember thyroid disease is 10 times more common in women than in men.

Baby in mother’s womb needs good thyroid balance of the mother, thyroid hormone problem is a common cause of miscarriage.
Also for growth of the baby depends on mother’s thyroid balance. It is very rare to have thyroid problem in the baby for mother’s thyroid issue, so there is nothing much to worry from that point.

No, certainly not. Thyroid cancer is not common. A big thyroid gland for whatever the reason is called goitre.
There are certain clinical pointers are there which tells us whether thyroid cancer is high on the card or not. If yes, we can perform a simple test called FNAC to see a few cells under the microscope.

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